
TOP 4! Stylizacje na Sylwestra!

Sylwester już niedługo, czas więc zastanowić się, co mamy założyć na taką okazję. Znów musimy pomyśleć o tym, w jakim stylu chcemy przywitać Nowy Rok. Możemy zrobić się na bóstwo, wyjąć z szafy sukienkę, która tylko czekała na ten moment i pójść na imprezę na mieście lub związać włosy i spędzić miły wieczór w piżamie, z kubkiem grzańca w ręce.

Zdradzę Wam, że od jakiegoś czasu Sylwester spdzam w domu, z najbliższymi i nie jest mi smutno, czy źle z tego powodu, ponieważ, jak to mówią: "Nieważne gdzie, ważne z kim". Oczywiście, będąc tego dnia w swoich czterech ścianach, nie zawsze widzę sens, by jakoś wielce się stroić, ale czasem trzeba zrobić kreskę na oku lub chociaż pomalować usta, by poczuć się chociaż odrobinę imprezowo. Uwielbiam patrzeć na fajerwerki, mieniące się na niebie, chociaż w Anglii nie celebrują tak bardzo Sylwestra, jak w Polsce, więcej fajerwerków można zobaczyć w Bonfire Night, czyli na początku listopada. Oczywiście jest też szampan, za którym jakoś nie przepadam, ale symbolicznie mogę potrzymać kieliszek w ręce ;) Sylwester jest dobrym pretekstem, by wystroić się, jak nigdy, więc, jeśli nie odważyłaś się jeszcze na suknię z dużym dekoltem, w odważnym kolorze lub odsłaniającej większą część nóg, to teraz jest ten czas. Mam też propozycję dla takich domatorów, jak ja, zobaczcie sami.

Stylizacja elegancka, kobieca - wybór dla tych Pań, które stawiają na prostotę i ponadczasową klasę. Ja postawiłam na czerwień, bo w końcu jest to Sylwester, trzeba trochę zaszaleć! 

Stylizacja glamour - to wybór dla kogoś, kto lubi błyszczeć w tłumie, a także dla tak zwanych "girly girls", czyli jest to również stylizacja typowo dziewczęca. Do takiej sukienki wystarczy założyć skromne szpilki i jest się gotowym do wyjścia.

Stylizacja seksowna - dla osób, które lubią odsłonić nogi lub inne części ciała. Ta sukienka jest idealna dla kobiet z mniejszym biustem, ponieważ większy biust wyglądałby zbyt wyzywająco i niesmacznie.

Stylizacja na luzie - to wybór dla tych, którzy nie mają zamiaru wychodzić z domu i specjalnie się stroić, ale chcą nadal wyglądać super. Wystarczy ładna i wygodna piżama, lekki lub trochę mocniejszy makijaż, a włosy mogą być nawet związane, w końcu miało być na luzie!

Co planujecie ubrać w Sylwestra? :) Dajcie znać, która stylizacja podoba Wam się najbardziej!
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Propozycja świątecznej stylizacji.

Niedługo Święta, do których odliczaliśmy dni już od września, a Ty jak zwykle stoisz przed szafą, zastanawiając się, co wybrać na taką okazję. Czerwień, czerń, biel? Coś klasycznego, seksownego, a może coś bardziej na luzie? Nie bój się, nie jesteś sama, a jeśli czyta to również facet - Ty też nie jesteś sam ;)

Dziś mam dla Was propozycję stroju na Święta, ktory jest prosty, kobiecy, delikatny i niezbyt wyzywający, a więc idealnie dobrany do okazji. Sukienkę kupiłam rok temu przez internet, a więc nie była ona przeze mnie mierzona. Były podane wymiary, lecz zamiast wziąć centymetr, mierzyłam sobie jakoś w głowie, myśląc, że wróciłam już do formy - gdy sukienka przyszła, byłam ok 3 miesiące po porodzie. I co? Za MAŁA! Ja to mam pecha. Tak dużo brakowało, żeby dopiąć zamek do końca. Na szczęście w tym roku mi się poszczęściło i sukienka jest idealna. Nie wiem jeszcze, czy założę ją na Święta, jak to kobieta - jestem niezdecydowana, ale jest to jakaś propozycja dla Was.

Może macie coś podobnego w szafie, o czym zapomniałyście, a może upolujecie podobny model będąc na zakupach, a może to nie wasz styl, ale kolor + dodatki pomogą Wam znaleźć coś ładnego na tę wyjątkową okazję? Oby jak nakszybciej, Święta tuż tuż ;)

Sukienka - Sheinside
Naszyjnik - Primark 
Srebrna bransoletka - prezent od przyjaciółki
Bransoletki w kolorze złota - Primark
Szpilki - Primark
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Najprostszy przepis na pierniczki.

Idą Święta! Pierniczki upieczone? Jeszcze nie jest za późno, by upiec coś samemu, a pierniczki to pikuś, chociaż sama nie wiem, dlaczego w tym roku piekłam je po raz pierwszy ;) Przepis jest bardzo prosty, a dekorowanie to sama przyjemność, najlepiej dla całej rodziny. Pierniczki można wykorzystać jako ozdobę choinkową, prezent dla najbliższych lub można pochłonąć wszystkie zapasy jeszcze przed Świętami - jedzenie ich uzależnia!
Oli jest niestety za mały, by dekorować je ze mną, ale przyszy rok należy do nas!

  • 1/4 szklanki miodu
  • 80 g masła 
  • 1/2 szklanki miałkiego brązowego cukru lub cukru pudru
  • 1 jajko
  • 2 i 1/4 szklanki mąki pszennej
  • 1 łyżeczka sody oczyszczonej
  • 1,5 - 2 łyżki przyprawy korzennej do piernika
  • opcjonalnie: 1 łyżeczka kakao (jeśli lubicie, gdy pierniczki mają ciemniejszy kolor)
Miód i masło podgrzać w garnuszku, przestudzić. Dodać pozostałe składniki i wyrobić lub zmiksować. Jeśli ciasto będzie zbyt miękkie, schłodzić (będzie się lepiej wałkowało).
Wałkować na stolnicy na grubość 2 - 3 mm lekko podsypując mąką (grubsze pierniczki są bardziej miękkie po upieczeniu). Wykrawać pierniczki o dowolnych kształtach i przekładać na blachę wyłożoną papierem do pieczenia.
Pierniczki z otworkiem do przewlekania - otworek należy zrobić przed pieczeniem (np. słomką do napojów).
Układać na blaszce wyłożonej papierem do pieczenia i piec około 10 minut w temperaturze 180ºC. Uważać, by nie piec za długo, będą zbyt kruche i będą miały posmak goryczy. Wyjąć z piekarnika, wystudzić na kratce.
Lukrować lub dekorować czekoladą po upieczeniu.
Pierniczki po upieczeniu są twarde, później zmiękną (należy je przechowywać w szczelnie zamkniętym pojemniku). Bardzo długo i dobrze się przechowują (nawet kilka miesięcy). Można upiec je kilka tygodni przed świętami, lukrowanie zostawiając na później.
Przepis ze strony: http://www.mojewypieki.com/przepis/pierniczki-przepis-i

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Colours of fall and my first time with black jeans!

Can you find one piece of clothing that you never ever worn before? Maybe you were affraid of buying it, because it may not suit you or you just haven't thought of this item at all? If yes, I'm in the same boat. I can tell you that I was always a type of girl who liked comfort so jeans were my best friend for life, but I've never worn black ones. Can you believe it? I always thought that black is so depressing and doesn't suit me, that I've never even tried it on, but I wanted to try something new and I gave it a go. It was a great decision!
Autumn can be a bit depressing, but  with a little help of highstreet shops (or designer shops, if you want!) we can change our attitute by adding some colour to our wardrobe. I chose this orange shirt, which I didin't LOVE at the beginning, but I've decided to keep it and now I think that it's a great colour for autumn and it's perfect with black jeans. I think that fashion means experimenting with clothes, but you also have to feel comfortable in clothes you wear. It's you that wear clothes, not the other way around.

What colours are you going to choose for autumn?

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BAKE IT: Chocolate brownie.

Chocolate is every girl's best friend, especially in those rainy days. I thought that I have to make something chocolaty for Halloween and I found this great recipe on Crafted Cake blog! Go and visit this blog for more great recipes.
In Poland brownie is made without chocolate so it was something different to me, but when I tried it... Oh my! Heaven! 
I think it's perfect for Halloween so if you craving for some chocolate it's not to late to make this amazing brownie.

150g dark chocolate
50g milk chocolate
180g butter
40g cocoa powder
3 eggs
270g golden caster sugar

​1. Grease a baking tray and preheat the oven to 180c/ Gas 4, a tray that is 23cm and 4cm deep is usually best for brownies.

2. Melt the chocolate slowly on a low heat and add the butter and melt together, when all is finally melted then take it off the heat to cool.
3. In a seperate bowl whisk the eggs, gradually adding the sugar as you whisk, whisk the egg and sugar until it is pale and has doubled in size, roughly whisk for about 3-5 minutes.
5. When whisked and the chocolate mixture has cooled (you need to make sure it really has cooled otherwise if it is too warm it will turn your egg mixture into scrambled egg!) add the chocolate mix to the eggs and sugar and carefully fold together until all is combined. 
6. Sieve the flour and cocoa and add it to the mix and carefully fold it all together.
​7. Place on the middle shelf in the oven and bake for about 25- 30 minutes, they will be ready when they have risen and have a light crust looking layer on the top, remove them from the oven and leave them in the tin to cool, then when cooled, cut into squares and enjoy!
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BAKE IT: Carrot cake.

I only ate carrot cake once, when my friend brought it to work and it was great! Since then I wanted to make my own carrot cake, but it seemed so difficult to make (I didn't even read the recipe) and I also wanted to learn how to bake simple recipes so I left this one for later. 
One day I looked in the fridge and I saw that we have a lot of carot there, so I googled the recipe and I finally made it the next day. 
I think this is one of my favourites, it's a nice sponge which isn't dry at all, you actually can't taste the carrot (I'm talking here about its texture) but you can notice a sweetness from carrot. And believe it or not - philadelphia is just perfect with it. It will be one of my "must-bake" cakes for autumn and winter.

2 cups of plain flour
3 cups of grated carrot
1 cup of oil
3/4 cup of caster sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp of baking powder
2 tsp of cinnamon
pinch of salt
Walnuts (add the amount you prefer)

Cream cheese frosting:
500g of Philadelphia or mascarpone
1/2 cup of sugar
100g of soft butter

Grate peeled carrots on a bigger grater. Sift flour, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder, cinnamon and salt into a bowl. Mix eggs with sugar in another bowl, then add oil and mix again.
Add dry ingredients to egg and sugar mixture and mix ingredients with a spoon. Add carrot and walnuts.
Pour your mixture into a 25 cm cake pan with a parchment on it and bake in 180 degrees for 50 minutes.
Cool the cake in a cake pan and then leave it to cool completely on a wire rack.
Mix every ingredient of a cream cheese frosting into a smooth mixture, add more sugar if you like.
Slice the cake into 2-3 sponches and put frosting on each of them.
Put whole walnuts to decorate the top of your cake. Sprinkle cinnamon on top.

Put into a fridge to cool.


Do you like carrot cake? What is your favourite autumn bake? Let me know in comments below.
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How to rock casual outfit with fringe boots?

Jeans and sweater is the perfect outfit for cosy evenings in fall. And when you add fringe boots to it your quick visit to a local shop round the corner becomes a fashion outing! Just one item can rock the whole look.
This sweater has a long V neckline so it is very feminen and slightly romantic such as the fabric it's made of. Romantic and comfortable is what i like the most. Classic jeans are in white to give this outfit a contrast. And last but not least - fringe boot, my must have for autumn! I love the colour which is very neutral but it's not black which I don't wear very often.
I also like this time of the year when days are shorter and a little bit colder and you can just spend evenings under the blanket with a glass of wine or hot chocolate or you can play on the floor with your little one.
Autumn and winter are seasons of warm sweaters so choose your favourite one and pair it with some jeans, add your must have shoes for this season and you're ready to rock.

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Apple tart.

I think this is my favourite and the easiest bake ever. I've made apple tart few times before and the pastry dough wasn't perfect, but now I made more pastry dough so it was thickier and... I used white strong flour which is originally for making pizza dough or bread. I didn't have a plain flour so I gave it a go and it was just perfect! Well, that's what my fiance said.
Apple tart is great for summer days in the garden or at a picnic, but it would be also good in fall. I think it's actually an autumn bake. The best is served hot (straight from the oven) with a bit of ice cream. So delicious!!!

Ingredients for a pastry dough:
  • 170 g plain flour
  • 55 g caster sugar
  • 110 g sliced, cold butter
  • 1 egg yolk

Place every ingredient into a bowl and mix together until you get a pastry dough. Make a ball from a dough, put cling film on and flatter a bit. Leave in the fridge for at least an hour.

Apple filling:
  • 5 big apples without a skin and a centre, cut in bigger parts
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
  • pinch of cloves in powder
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • more - 1 tbsp breadcrumbs
  • 1 beaten egg with 1 tbsp of milk to spread on top of the tart before baking

Put pieces of apples into a pan, add cinnamon, cloves, sugar and lemon juice. Simmer for a while and stir on a medium gas to not overcook the apples. they should be soft but not falling appart. Take off the hob.

Take a 20 cm diameter tart pan, spread a bit of butter and then sprinkle flour on it.
Take pastry dough out off the fridge and devide it in two parts.

Roll one part with a rolling pin and put on the bottom and sides of the tart pan. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top of the pastry dough, then put apples and even the surface. Roll the second part of the pastry dough, place it on of of the apples and put it together with the pastry dough on the sides. Dab it few times with fork and then cover it with beaten egg and 1 tbsp of milk.

Bake in 180 degrees for 30 - 45 minutes till it's golden. Take it out off the oven and leave to cool.
Although I prefer it to be hot and served with ice cream.

Sprinkle some icing sugar on top before serving.


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Thumbprint cookies.

I've skipped one episode of Great British Bake Off as my blog post, because I am so busy at the moment and those cookies are just simple to make so I've decided to share the recipe with you. I made them few times already and everyone seemed to love them. They're good with a morning coffee and also as an evening snack while watching a movie. You can of course choose different flavours to the dough or put nutella instead of jam (but then do it after baking). This recipe would give you about 35 cookies, but you could double the ingredients if you want. They're gone so quickly!

  • 125 g sliced, cold butter
  • 1/3 glass of caster sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 110 g plain flour
  • 110 g walnuts or almonds in powder
  • 1 tsp of vanilla or almond extract
  • half tsp of baking powder
  • pinch of salt

  • jam to fill the cookies in, the best is the thickiest, but every jam will do

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix it well until you get the pastry dough (you can also mix ingredients by hand). Make a ball from the dough, then make it flat, put cling film all over and put it into the fridge for 60 minutes.

After that time tear off little pieces of dough and make little balls from them (a size of walnut). Put everything on a baking tray with a baking parchment on it with small spaces between the balls (they will rise during baking). Use your finger or the end of your wooden utensil and make a well in the center of each cookie. Using a teaspoon, fill each well with jam, being careful not to overfill the wells.

Bake in 170 degrees for 13-15 minutes or when cookies are a bit golden. Take them out of the oven, cool them for a while on a baking tray and then place onto a wire rack.


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Ollie's first birthday + my birth story.

My big boy is ONE today!!! I can't believe that he is so big. He is a very smart little man and my life wouldn't be the same without him. Sometimes it's hard to take care of him by myself with no family members around (only my sister is here), but it's the best job ever!
When Ollie was born it was my sister's birthday so it was the best gift I could get for her. We were all so happy that he is finally here. My mum came to us from Poland for 10 days especially to see Ollie and help me after giving birth. She came around 3pm and brought Polish food of course; we were talking, laughing, eating, picking first outfit for Ollie and then about 11pm I said that I have a pain similar to period pains. We went to hospital and Ollie was born on the next day at 12:12.
I thought that I will stay 2 or 3 days and my mum is going to take care of her grandson a bit and I was happy that she is going to see him on those first days. Unfortunately I lost a lot of blood so I had to stay longer and then Ollie was jaundiced and then he had some infection. Perfect! I was so angry and sad and happy at the same time. I stayed 8 full days at the hospital, what a nightmare. I was taking care of Ollie all by myself and it was a bit scary because I was new at this, but I had to learn how to change him and feed him and I did great!
I was watching everyone leaving the hospital and at the end of my stay I was feeling so much better that I was helping every mum there, which wasn't able to lift her baby or was taking a shower etc. Hospital staff was great and very nice and helpful. Food was good, I even got to eat ice cream, but for lunch we had some soups which I didn't like.
I feel great as a mum and I couldn't be happier. I always wanted to be a mum and I think I am doing great. Maybe I don't have a lot of times without a baby, when I can go to the cinema or to a girls party, but I wouldn't change my life for anything.
My son is a toddler now and I can't wait to see him developing and discovering his world. It's an interesting experience for a parent to be in those moments when your child is taking his first steps or saying first words and I am happy that I am a stay-at-home mum at the moment.
Happy birthday, my cutie pie!

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SmarTrike review!

My son is getting older and I want him to be an active, healthy and happy baby. He loves to play with his car and likes to push the wheels of his pram, so we thought that little bike or rather trike would be perfect for his birthday, which will be exactly in 6 days! 
On UK sites there were only few colours of this SmarTrike, even on Ebay or Amazon. I didin't like blue one from Argos, so my fiance chose this grey one from Smyths and I love it! 
This tricycle is 5 in 1 and is from 10 months old till 3 years! It has a storage bag where you can keep all of baby/toddler essentials such as nappies, wipes, toys etc. It also has a little bag attatched to the handle, where you can put your phone  for instance (blogger never leaves a house without one!). There's a canopy as well which protects from UV radiation, a little storage at the back of a tricycle and a bottle holder in the front. The best feature here is 360 degrees wheel, which helps you turn smoothly in every direction you want to go. Although from what I've experienced so far (we've been using it for about a week or so) you can't walk too fast when pushing this tricycle, because first wheel will be turning and stopping you suddenly which is quite dangerous when you are about to cross the street. I don't know if I like this special wheel, I would rather have a normal wheel like in the back. 
SmarTrike is very light which is very important when you have steps to your house like I do (only two but still). It is perfect for long walks in summer or other season of the year, even when it's time for your baby's nap! It has reclined seat which is great when your baby is tired or wants to relax a bit. 
My son is very happy and glad that we bought him a SmarTrike. Although he is still a little baby you can see that he likes it! It was a first gift that he enjoyed so much an that makes me and my partner happy too!
If you are wondering what to buy for your son or daughter for first or second birthday or even Christmas you can consider buying a tricycle. It will last for a long time and it's almost like a stroller. I think I won't buy any stroller now.

SmarTrike - Smyths

Do you want to see more reviews? Please write a comment bellow with your review idea.

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Little boy's room ideas.

Ollie is moving to his own room soon! I can't believe that my little boy will be a toddler now! He is a very smart boy and so so cute and sweet that I want to kiss him all the time. I know that I'm lucky, because I have one healthy boy and this boy is growing up so fast that I really don't know when did that happen. During the first year he was sleeping in our bedroom, sometimes even in our bed. I think I will miss that and I don't really know how to move him to his own room - it would be weird in the beginning - but I think we all are going to be fine. We definitely would benefit from that, because we are going to have more space in our bedroom and also in our bed... And Ollie is going to be more independent and some of his toys could go to his room as well, because now we've got everything in our living room.
Decorating baby's room is a tough task, but I have a lot of ideas in my head of some modern decors and I wanted to share it with you. I love light and neutral colours in the house, but I also like some colourful accessories such as pillows, frames or blankets. I fell in love with paper storage bags and I think we're going to buy one. I am also thinking about Miffy bunny, I think it will suit Ollie's cheeky character. I would also like to make some activity corner or sensory boards in his room. What I don't like is baby blue colour, I don't know why but it's to bland for me and I didn't want Ollie's room to be all blue! First thought that I had was grey walls. Yes! But then I thought that white would be perfect and his room would look even bigger.
I don't know when my son is going to sleep in his own room, but I am starting to collect more and more pictures and inspirations and it's very exciting. I have picked a few so you could see what those ideas are.

source: all pinterest

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